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Power Cover Letter

Simple and quick.  Make them want to read your resume and call you for an interview.
Trying to sell myself to the hiring manager. Personality, skills , communication skills
Most common mistake in making them too generic and too long and too hard to read.
Targeted to the job and the hiring manager.  Be direct, get to the point quickly, easy to skim while still getting the most important information out of it.

1. Keep your cover letter SHORT and to the POINT.

Just the other day, I downloaded a popular Job Search Guide from a very-well known website which recommended a cover letter that was about 400 words long.

Never, ever write a cover letter that long.

Always keep in mind the busy person you're sending it to.

Keep it succinct and easy to read.

Bullet points help.

2. Never ever send it as an attachment to your email, along with your resume.

I looks so perfect in your Word Doc. It doesn't matter.

If you send it as an attachment, they won't even open it.

Too many steps.

Just write the email as your cover letter. They will read it, and all your work will count for something.

Remember...the job search is a sales process.

Sell yourself with your cover letter.
Makes sure that it is addressed TO someone.  Never marketing manager  or whom it may concern.
Which job am I talking about?
Think of who I am writing to.  What are they going through.  How could hiring me help them.  What’s in it for them.
If recommended by someone, say first.
If I have the job description, use the requirements there. You want, I have.
Provide measurable results. Objective mention of my achievement.  This is what matters to them. Grab their attention.
Show them what they need and how I can help them.
Don’t copy the resume in the letter.
Answer the question.  Why should they contact me about this job?
Use bullet points.
Closing. Let them know when I intend on following up. Sum up why they should see me.  I am very excited. My skill in XYZ can assist you in your issues in XYZ.  I look forward to speaking with you.  I will call within a few days to set up a time for us to meet.
Direct and aggressive and let your personality shine through.
Be unique don’t use a template.
Sincerely. Use easy to read font.
PROOFREAD by someone else
Not much mailing being done these days.
Never send the cover letter as an attachment.  Put it in the body of the email.
Don’t be afraid to resend.
Don’t be a stalker.
Think of this as a sales process.
Use social media sites and youtube in job search.

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