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Want to know why Some Avon Reps are Losers?

Hate to sound so Brash But, Its true!

Not just for Avon Reps but being an Independant business owner of any kind is not an easy task.

The reasons behind failure is generally not lack of knowledge or ability but the following:

1. They fear trying something new.
2. They listen to others tell you what will work and what wont without find out for yourself.
3. They give up before They start.

What if for once you tested a formula of success?

Put aside what everyone else wants you to think and believe and go with your heart.

Try the winning team and see you can be a winner.

Shouldn't you listen to the voice within you that tells you it is your time.

I wonder what would happen if you stop trying and did whatever it takes to be a success.

What if you started with a positive attitude and begin to see yourself making the steps that will put you on top.

It all starts with a plan, a step, and a system.

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