Marketing Beauty Online
Everything you need to know about Online Marketing and more. As a prolific promoter and TOP SELLER of Avon Products and various affiliate programs, Karla A Smith Howard aka KASH Shares over 10 years of experience of an ever changing industry. Online Marketing. Here you will gain access to the Tools, Concepts and Strategies that you can successfully apply to any industry.
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School Fund–Raising Opportunities
The biggest advantage of an Avon fund-raiser is selling useful products from a nationally known brand name that people will appreciate spending money on for your cause. Parents would rather purchase bubble bath, sunscreen, lotion, seasonal gifts, and other needed products versus over-priced candy bars.
Types of Avon fund-raisers I provide include:
¨ A full brochure, offering all of the products that many people are all to familiar with.
Money collection envelopes and Avon bags for customer orders are also included with your fund-raiser free of charge. Each money collection envelope provides participants with all the selling information right on the back, minimizing the amount of paper they have to handle.
If you are interested in offering prizes for fund-raising participants, I can show you inexpensive and discounted Avon products that would be suitable (including children’s products!), or you can contact local merchants for donations.
With the exception of certain licensed products in the full brochure that have fixed earnings on each product sold, you may earn up to 40% of your total fund-raising sales amount. It would only take 10 people selling $15 worth of Avon products to 10 customers to reach total sales of $1,500 and the 40% earnings profit margin. In special circumstances, depending upon the type of fund-raiser, number of participants, purpose of the fund-raiser, and other factors, earnings levels and higher percentage of earnings may be adjusted to your group’s advantage.
I will be with you every step of the way and fully participate in your fund-raiser with you to minimize the amount of work you have to do and to maximize your profits.
How to Customize Your Avon E-Store
How to Customize Your Avon E-Store
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11 Smart Ways to Grow Your Online Business to a New Level
As mobile technology continues to dominate the Internet, online businesses are expected to thrive over the next few years. eMarketer estimates e-commerce sales will continue to average an annual growth rate of 10% until 2018 at the near term. By then global sales for online businesses would hit US$2.356 Trillion or an average of US$200 Billion new sales every year beginning 2014.
This optimistic growth forecast means the online business industry still presents opportunities for new players. As with all ventures, starting an online business will present challenges. But once you gain traction, business should move smoothly. The next challenge is taking your online business to the next level.
Here are 11 smart ways to consider for growing your online business:
1. Update your market research
Because information is readily accessible and available on the Internet, demand, tastes and consumer preferences are unpredictable and unstable. What is in vogue today could be passé tomorrow. The latest technological breakthrough could be obsolete in a few weeks.
Thus, it is very important for you to continually update your market research. Your target market could be undergoing changes in its demographic profile. And its consumption and behavioral patterns could be changing. Their concerns which you addressed when you launched your online business may no longer be valid.
2. Focus on high quality content marketing
Once you’ve firmed up your market research, focus on delivering high quality content marketing to them. The keyword is to personalize content. You materials must speak directly to your audience and provide actionable solutions to their concerns.
Your content must unequivocally state “Why” your online business is the best solution or only option to consider.
Content marketing is not only blogs and articles. You can use other media such as videos and podcasts. Video is an effective vehicle for delivering content as it can capture attention faster than blogs or still images.
3. Target realistic goals
Goal setting is an effective strategy for improving performance. It charts the course to where you want your business to go. But these goals must be realistic. If your online business generated $100,000 in annual revenues, it would not be realistic to identify next year’s revenue targets at $1,000,000.
Your goals must correspond with your ability to scale operations. You must consider sources of funding: internal cash flow generation, borrowings and current state of liquidity. You are also faced with the prospects of an ever-changing market. These should put your growth targets in their proper perspective.
Set small targets that are within your current capacity. For example, target a 10% increase in revenues. Then determine the corresponding adjustments to market acquisition, leads generation and sales conversion that will support this sales target.
4. Improve customer experience
Creating markets is one thing, retaining markets is another thing. Given the increase in competition, businesses are allocating more resources to market retention. You simply would not want your competition to capture your customer. In fact, customer service is already passé. The focus is now customer experience.
Customers will continue to patronize your product and service if they feel you genuinely care about their experience. You can do this a number of ways:
Increase the number of contact points to your e-commerce website. In addition to e-mail and phone, add chat support services and actively engage with customers in social media.Hire virtual assistants to run outbound services. This includes surveys conducted via phone or e-mail. According to OutsourceWorkers, hiring virtual assistants is 3 times more cost effective than regular full time employees.Establish a quick Turn Around Time or TAT on all queries and concerns. 24 hours or less is the gold standard in customer experience.5. Be active on social media
As an online business, your primary medium is the Internet. Your business should be highly visible in the virtual world. One of the best strategies is to be active on social media.
Of the more than three billion Internet users, two billion are on social media. As of its latest count, Facebook has 1.374 Billion daily users. That is more than half of the daily Internet population! eMarketer projects the number of social media users will increase to 2.55 Billion daily by 2017.
If these numbers are convincing, then you should begin to prioritize social media as an online marketing tool.
The first step is to identify the social media network for your business. Each social network houses a distinct community with diverse online behavioral patterns. Facebook is more informal. LinkedIn has a professional approach. Twitter works best with high activity.
Why You Will Quit Your Job This Year
This week, I read an intriguing post by Daniel Gulati on the Harvard Business Review Blog Network on Why You Won’t Quit Your Job. Mr. Gulati does an excellent job articulating why people don’t make big changes in their lives and careers, and why most people will not, in fact, leave their jobs even though they desperately want to.
To summarize his points, the reasons you stay in a job or career you don’t like are:
You’ve been conditioned to stay
The famed psychologist B.F. Skinner proved that being rewarded at random intervals (rather than on a fixed schedule) is a highly effective way to reinforce behavior. Our corporate employers do a wonderful job of keeping us coming back for more in our current roles, tightly weaving us into the fabric of the organization by giving us little random rewards (a boss’ praise, a new plum client, an exciting new project, etc.)
You’re risk averse, now more than ever
We all know humans are risk-averse. Now, however, with online social networks and digital technology on the rise, your movements are far more visible. You fear looking bad in front of thousands of people if it doesn’t work out, so you stay put.
You don’t reach for the highest peak because you’re focused on scaling smaller ones
Finally, Mr. Gulati points out that a majority of professionals are focused on “winning” the prize in front of them (such as the next promotion or raise). They choose to scale the smaller peaks that emerge before them, rather than choosing a different terrain entirely and starting at the bottom of a new, higher mountain that may be much more satisfying and lucrative.
I agree 100% that these factors and behaviors inhibit our movement and growth. However, I believe this – these are all still excuses. Another way to look at these inhibitors to change is to see them as core fears such as: 1) I’m afraid to give up the small rewards I have for the ultimate ones I want – fulfillment and success; 2) I’m afraid of failing and being seen as a big loser; and 3) I’m afraid to stretch myself to the highest degree possible because it’s hard.
Yes, most people are afraid and resistant to make significant life or career change. But many still get over themselves, overcome their conditioning and push through. As the slogan says, They “just do it.” I for one did it — underwent two career transformations, from miserable corporate VP to marriage and family therapist, and then from therapist to career and executive coach and consultant. And I’m so grateful I did. The majority of professionals I coach and train each year (numbering in the thousands) are changing jobs or careers too, with great success.
Why do these people quit their jobs or change careers, and why will YOU?
Here are what I’ve found to be the top five reasons why professionals finally bite the bullet and make job or career change:
⦁ You’ve simply had it with what you have and what you’ve created
You wake up one day and realize, “I absolutely don’t want this anymore. I’m clear, and I’m done.” There’s enough pain, discomfort, meaninglessness or disconnection in your work that you simply can’t continue this way one more minute. The small, random rewards you’ve been receiving over the years just don’t cut it anymore. You’re not seduced by them any longer.
2) You have the confidence and courage to do it
You’re smart and savvy. You’ve done your research about what’s involved to successfully change jobs or careers, and understand what it takes. You realize that, while your self-esteem has been rocked a good deal throughout these past years in this job, you still have enough confidence and grit to do what’s necessary.
3) Your eyes are wide open
You’ve learned an enormous amount throughout your jobs and the arch of your career. You’ve seen that it’s not just your job that’s making you miserable, but it’s YOU in your job that you want to change. You realize that getting on the path to making career or job change is exactly what’s required if you want to have a new kind of life.
4) You have the support you need
You know you can’t make this change alone. You need outside help that offers an empowered perspective of you, your talents, skills and passions. You know you need the support of key friends and family as well as those who will keep you accountable, and you have it.
5) You know there’s something more to this life, and that you deserve it
Finally, you know that this unhappy job (and simply paying the bills each month without any joy or fulfillment in your work) is not all there is to life. There IS more, and you’re hungry for it. The bell has been rung. Further, you know that you deserve it, because you understand that everyone deserves a fulfilling, joyful and successful life and career. You will get it because you will design it that way, from this day forward.
Will you be one of those who stays in your miserable career or job, or will you decide that this is the year you will finally do something about it, and leave?
I’m betting on the latter.